Daddy thought that it would be easier for him to fly about now that Josh and I are older. But it was such a tearful departure on Sunday night, even though we all knew its gonna be only a week. But one thing daddy was very happy about was fact that we finally had dinner with Nai nai and Ye Ye. I was very happy and I kept "talking" throughout dinner. Bet even daddy was shocked that I could be so talkative. I guess I was just very happy.
Mummy said these few days, I was very aware that daddy was not at home and I was kind of looking for him. Thank God I know Joshua is becoming more understanding.
Daddy is wondering in his heart that like him, how does he balance the demands of work, the opening up of the world through collaboration across countries (Su su just came back from Switzerland) and yet, how can he still be a super daddy to us?
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