
Daddies unite

Daddy got quite worried. Worried that he is not much of a help to mum. I know that dad loves mum very much, but he acknowledges that he is quite a dead log once he closes his eyes. He got to know of a new friend, Uncle Peet recently. It was auntie Carol that linked them together. Uncle Peet knows daddy's friends too- how the world shrinks through Facebook. Leena and Laura (interesting, they both start with L). I heard this Laura woman and dad were quite close before... hmmm.

Anyway, dad read that uncle Peet was from Yale and Stanford and now in the Police force. Dad loved what uncle Peet wrote to him :

"yes, parentings is very difficult. For me, I try to remember two things: to support and love my wife (she is the primary care giver when the kids are infants) and to instruct my children as told by the Bible (when they are older and able to understand).
I find that to be a good parent, we really need to "die" to a lot of our own selfish desires. It means giving up a lot of the past times that we men cherish before we had kids, e.g. going on long holidays, diving (for me), and having long quiet dinners with wives, going to the theatre, etc. As in Ecc, there's a time for everything -- and when our kids are infants, it's the time for us to invest most of our waking time and energy with them... other social and personal needs can come on board later as the kids mature.
It's tough... but I think I am enjoying more of it as I grow =) "
Dad's new year resolution for 2008: To be a fabulous Dad! Yipppppy :)

Sentosa escapade (Sent- to-sars)

If Bird Flu H5N1 virus or the SARs virus was to lend, it sure would be soaped away by the soap forms aka. snow that landed on jewel box. So much for the snow show. Mummy commented it was indeed a let down. Mummy told me that this year, while I was in her first trimester, we celebrated daddy's birthday at the Jewel Box over dinner. But it was a disappointment for their food.

Tonight, after dad and Josh went for the luge car ride (o o o when can I come along, it sure sounds fun!) we went for a skybar's chicken wings, coffee bean drinks and Subway's pizza, all spread across a tiny table while overlooking the misty skyline of Shenton Way. I was sure very exhausted. Church in the morning, Fish and Co. for lunch and then a two hours wait in Mount Faber before finally arriving to Sentosa.

But it frightens me to see mummy pulling a long face. For me, I take much comfort just suckling in her bossoms especially when I am tired. But like dad, I have a bad habit. I tend to overeat. So here I was sucking and sucking away and... then it all happened again. I threw out everything i drank ... not once, but twice. First on mummy, then daddy. Mummy was so angry she almost smacked me. Dad was more comforting, but their worried faces sure speaks volumes.

I tried to sleep. Mum, I really tried but I just can't. PLease understand that all these things are just so exciting for me. Dad says its biological... that my body is not accustomed to all these yet. Homeostasis, he coined it- achieving some kind of balance between the internal and external environment. I think he was just bull-s***ing cos I caught from the corner of his eyes.

Anyway I am just glad to be home again. Its been a long day but I just wonder, why do the adults always kick up such a fuss over parties and excursions at the end of the year. I am glad though that my parents make an effort at least, to make 30 Dec 2007 more memorable for me.


I have arrived!

Thank you sweet Jesus for bringing me into this world!

My name is Joanna Yeo Min.
I was born on 3 November 2007 at 0805am in Mount Alvernia Hospital.
Dad created my personal blog as a gift for my 3rd Birthday on 3 Nov 2010. He said is a gift to induct me as a digital native. (Yes, I think he is intending to send me to the next Future School)

Here's my little history:
Daddy and mummy said I am a very special gift from God. Dad said that mum was an exceptionally strong woman when she decided to abort my elder sibling when doctor Gordon Tan said that he/she did not have a heart beat for 2 months. Dad was awed by mum's courage. They prayed hard and they knew God would provide me to comfort their hearts. Mum knew that I was conceived a few months shortly. I know God loves my parents very much cos The Creator answered their prayers. They were even more delighted that I was a GIRL. In Chinese, it was a symbol of perfection as a boy and a girl together makes up the word- Good!

I was supposed to arrive only on 9 Nov- a special date for dad and mum cos it was their fifth wedding anniversary. Nonetheless, they sure are glad that I arrived safe and sound! It was quite comical how dad and mum behaved (and perhaps showed a great deal of how different they are) In the morning of 2 Nov, Friday, they visited Dr Tan, whom said I was ready to arrive, but my parents thought 9 Nov would be a more meaningful day. When Mum called Dad at 4pm, she announced that her water bag was burst. Dad was so surprised, he went berserk for a while. He first jumped for joy and even kissed Simon on the cheeks! Then in a state of shock, he ran around his office wondering what he should pack so that he could do some work in the hospital... (yes, daddy really loves his job very much) Mum on the other hand, was so cool about it. She made arrangements for grandma to send Joshua home first so that we would pretend nothing happened and let brother go to sleep in peace... before they sneaked away to the hospital. However, dad arrived home by 6pm and mum was not even back yet. Dad was worried shit cos he did not dare to call mum, in case she was driving or in pain... Mmmy only got home by 9pm- why? She was finishing up some last minute work. Good Lord!

Dad said Joshua had Auntie Yan Hui as his special angel. She actually arrived at the hospital ONE WEEK before his arrival. Mine was Uncle Edmund- this man was the first who came to be by their side, just on time!

God said that I was an extraordinary gift from God also because the week that I was about to arrive, something happened to my grandparents. Grandpa wanted to take a silent retreat abroad. Dad wanted grandpa to be one of the first to welcome me but for days, no one knew his whereabouts. Amazingly, grandpa returned the night that mum was admitted to the hospital. Grandpa said that he felt something amiss and decided to shorten his retreat... and he arrived just on time too. And yes, God really answered dad's prayers. Its something Dad wants me to remember for life- that God is so faithful!