Daddy recieved a mail from Uncle Mark Abraham from UK. Daddy reflected on his sharing and thought it would be great to capture it here as it led to a deeper understanding of his role as a parent, in today's society- the interconnections of the PURPOSE and FOUNDATION of the family. And if the family is the heart of the nation and family values, then Uncle Mark was wise to assert that a happy, harmonious and healthy families make for a strong community and a united society.
Being a parent - trickiest thing imaginable!
Only guidance which used to be available was what we learned from our parents - good or bad. To really get into this subject we may need to start from the standpoint of everybody being different, different cultures, ages, sexual orientation, races, religious beliefs and ability. If we were lucky enough to have the best of parents, well informed and balanced, then we were lucky. The 2.4 children on average per family UK syndrome meant nothing to the poorest and to the richest. They just got on with it. Life is not something that can be statistically engineered and there can be no hard and fast rules. The rules have, to some degree, to be made up as we go along. Now things are evening up here - opportunity exists for the poorer in our communities and society to make it big, with a little bit of luck thrown in.
Back to parenting skills. What are present day parents thinking and doing? I am a 60's man.. free love, drugs, rock and roll. But I didn't do that stuff. I married young and our family values were drawn from our experience and the luck of being born at the end of a world war, when things were settling down and bringing up kids becomes a different thing from survival and hard work. Education, again, became an option for many of us. But as Connie P says, our values were more that 'children should be seen but not heard, boredom was not an option, toil had a place in our upbringing, married to our innate expectation that we should and could succeed in life. But I had no drivers, I was the youngest of three and I just existed. Intellectually, I was rich but having fun was what others did. Then I got married travelled a lot and we have two wonderful girls, now grown up but not yet married and settled. They are building careers before they settle. And they are girls! That's what knocking down the gender barriers has achieved. My parents and inlaws also played a valuable part in enabling me and my family to 'have it good.'
Now I'm not the greatest parent (though my kids would disagree happily). But I wasn't strict enough ... I didn't enforce discipline the way it should have been. This can lead to an untidy mind. Travelling and caring for the wider family meant that our time was stretched. This can be a good thing because I wanted our kids to be independently minded and not burdened with any of the restrictions that my generation experienced and my upbringing set the tone for.Yes, you know what...I can support what Connie P said and the principles. But as soon as we start to generalise then we try to follow what others think and that way round we can fail. Its the same, maybe and for instance, for people who want to give up smoking. The rules and the logic don't help - what is ingrained cannot be changed without taking things into our own hands, by letting our thinking take over our doing. Sometimes its hard..very hard. When and where you were born and what opportunities you get is largely a matter of chance and luck - like the trillion to one chance of being born in the first place.
John - you are a good man... you will most likely do good...with the parenting and the guidance. But we can't force things home. Often, in terms of actions, parents are the last people that kids take guidance from..hence reverse psychology and the need, sometimes, to revise the way we do things to get the point across. I am very much in favour of having both male and female influences involved in bringing up kids. But you probably enjoy a different and more rigid culture than us over in UK. We are a bit to liberal sometimes. I hope it works for you.Finally and the most simple of simple things that make bringing up a balanced child possible. Happiness is important because if we, the parents are happy this creates the environment in which a child will flourish. Their happiness is then a case of empathy and reflection. Under those terms, by the time your kids are say 5 or six years old, I think they will have formed their core characteristics. Then education and peer pressure take over and what they do, say and think returns to the lottery of what's going on around them. Their main ours, is to survive. Then they adapt and evolve. As parents we have some control but, in the end, not as much as we may care to think. These little individuals of ours will became who they are, on their own volition and carrying a pack of merit which they, themselves will decide how to use and what to do.
Being a parent - trickiest thing imaginable!
Only guidance which used to be available was what we learned from our parents - good or bad. To really get into this subject we may need to start from the standpoint of everybody being different, different cultures, ages, sexual orientation, races, religious beliefs and ability. If we were lucky enough to have the best of parents, well informed and balanced, then we were lucky. The 2.4 children on average per family UK syndrome meant nothing to the poorest and to the richest. They just got on with it. Life is not something that can be statistically engineered and there can be no hard and fast rules. The rules have, to some degree, to be made up as we go along. Now things are evening up here - opportunity exists for the poorer in our communities and society to make it big, with a little bit of luck thrown in.
Back to parenting skills. What are present day parents thinking and doing? I am a 60's man.. free love, drugs, rock and roll. But I didn't do that stuff. I married young and our family values were drawn from our experience and the luck of being born at the end of a world war, when things were settling down and bringing up kids becomes a different thing from survival and hard work. Education, again, became an option for many of us. But as Connie P says, our values were more that 'children should be seen but not heard, boredom was not an option, toil had a place in our upbringing, married to our innate expectation that we should and could succeed in life. But I had no drivers, I was the youngest of three and I just existed. Intellectually, I was rich but having fun was what others did. Then I got married travelled a lot and we have two wonderful girls, now grown up but not yet married and settled. They are building careers before they settle. And they are girls! That's what knocking down the gender barriers has achieved. My parents and inlaws also played a valuable part in enabling me and my family to 'have it good.'
Now I'm not the greatest parent (though my kids would disagree happily). But I wasn't strict enough ... I didn't enforce discipline the way it should have been. This can lead to an untidy mind. Travelling and caring for the wider family meant that our time was stretched. This can be a good thing because I wanted our kids to be independently minded and not burdened with any of the restrictions that my generation experienced and my upbringing set the tone for.Yes, you know what...I can support what Connie P said and the principles. But as soon as we start to generalise then we try to follow what others think and that way round we can fail. Its the same, maybe and for instance, for people who want to give up smoking. The rules and the logic don't help - what is ingrained cannot be changed without taking things into our own hands, by letting our thinking take over our doing. Sometimes its hard..very hard. When and where you were born and what opportunities you get is largely a matter of chance and luck - like the trillion to one chance of being born in the first place.
John - you are a good man... you will most likely do good...with the parenting and the guidance. But we can't force things home. Often, in terms of actions, parents are the last people that kids take guidance from..hence reverse psychology and the need, sometimes, to revise the way we do things to get the point across. I am very much in favour of having both male and female influences involved in bringing up kids. But you probably enjoy a different and more rigid culture than us over in UK. We are a bit to liberal sometimes. I hope it works for you.Finally and the most simple of simple things that make bringing up a balanced child possible. Happiness is important because if we, the parents are happy this creates the environment in which a child will flourish. Their happiness is then a case of empathy and reflection. Under those terms, by the time your kids are say 5 or six years old, I think they will have formed their core characteristics. Then education and peer pressure take over and what they do, say and think returns to the lottery of what's going on around them. Their main ours, is to survive. Then they adapt and evolve. As parents we have some control but, in the end, not as much as we may care to think. These little individuals of ours will became who they are, on their own volition and carrying a pack of merit which they, themselves will decide how to use and what to do.
Perhaps, in amongst this diatribe, there may be something of merit.It comes down to a number of factors and the thinking that we can find the time and the intellect to put in. You are thinking this parenting thing through. At your age I was in auto mode - simply doing and trying to survive whilst a bunch of stuff was going on around me. In a family, if you can close ranks and avoid contradiction and confusion, that way lies success. But what do I know.? All I do know is that, luckily, by that possible coincidence of fate, I'm doing and have done OK. Others are not so lucky.And then we move on in to that world of "we don't experience luck, we make things happen". To succeed using that notion you would need to fully understand all the factors at play. With kids that's not always possible. As Connie says..their job is to mess up. or words to that effect.
What were your parents like?
What opportunities are there for you and your kids?
If you are happy then it's likely that they will be happy - assuming good health and all those other things.
Don't 'close up the shop' and become an insular family - peer pressure will get your kids some time so they need to be in the mix, know how to relate and where to look to find and seek those better oppotunities .. but you can help them find those opportunities and protect and support them whilst they safely experience life..that is the best you can give. They should not, in my opinion, run wild or they will find it hard to survive in a society that rejects such behaviour advise I ever had...BE WISE.
Wisdom will rub off..set a good example. But, but and but again..I can name many successful individuals who started off life in hard times, were mavericks and renegades who tuned their life around and became fine examples of humankind. They learned from their mistakes...and so have I. We, all of us, can only do what we think best as parents and in life.
Uncle Mark's advice again surfaced several critical issues on how parenting is both a challenge and a joy. It is also very interesting with his point on the 2.4 children on average per UK family making no difference as the Spore govt recently announced the additional incentive for parents to take on their national service to 'replenish' the brains and the fight the ageing population as well as the rave reviews by the everyday Singaporean. Daddy recalled hearing on air how people commend the government's effort to do more to help parents with the financial aid. At the same time, dad was also heartened to hear the appeal for Ministry Community, Youth and Sports to restate the role of parenting for Singaporeans. ( Daddy thought that with the merits of a more affluent society, it is not only useful to have the financial support for child rearing but even more fundamentally to anchor the values of parenting. This is especially so when children of our Z generation are so in-tuned with the digital media. WIth dads and mums working even harder to support the family, what are the pillars of building the nurturing relationships to "show the way". Of course, dad is always annoyed when people conveniently push the responsibility to schools and their role to educate. The call for MCYS to advocate their standpoint on values-based family building is indeed timely.

HOwever, dad felt that though it is great to have the "flexibility" to allow kids to play, interact and enjoy a less structured approach to learning in homes, dad felt that in the context where both parents are working in Spore, having the effort to create space and time together MEANINGULLY is a commitment and takes much dedication to follow-through. Yet he has the faith that the intangible rewards will form the roots to greater things in our future. At least right now, dad who is by nature 'lazy and a slacker' knows that if he has to 'spend' time with us, he better do it creatively so that both he and us can have fun... together ! :)
Don't 'close up the shop' and become an insular family - peer pressure will get your kids some time so they need to be in the mix, know how to relate and where to look to find and seek those better oppotunities .. but you can help them find those opportunities and protect and support them whilst they safely experience life..that is the best you can give. They should not, in my opinion, run wild or they will find it hard to survive in a society that rejects such behaviour advise I ever had...BE WISE.
Wisdom will rub off..set a good example. But, but and but again..I can name many successful individuals who started off life in hard times, were mavericks and renegades who tuned their life around and became fine examples of humankind. They learned from their mistakes...and so have I. We, all of us, can only do what we think best as parents and in life.
Uncle Mark's advice again surfaced several critical issues on how parenting is both a challenge and a joy. It is also very interesting with his point on the 2.4 children on average per UK family making no difference as the Spore govt recently announced the additional incentive for parents to take on their national service to 'replenish' the brains and the fight the ageing population as well as the rave reviews by the everyday Singaporean. Daddy recalled hearing on air how people commend the government's effort to do more to help parents with the financial aid. At the same time, dad was also heartened to hear the appeal for Ministry Community, Youth and Sports to restate the role of parenting for Singaporeans. ( Daddy thought that with the merits of a more affluent society, it is not only useful to have the financial support for child rearing but even more fundamentally to anchor the values of parenting. This is especially so when children of our Z generation are so in-tuned with the digital media. WIth dads and mums working even harder to support the family, what are the pillars of building the nurturing relationships to "show the way". Of course, dad is always annoyed when people conveniently push the responsibility to schools and their role to educate. The call for MCYS to advocate their standpoint on values-based family building is indeed timely.
HOwever, dad felt that though it is great to have the "flexibility" to allow kids to play, interact and enjoy a less structured approach to learning in homes, dad felt that in the context where both parents are working in Spore, having the effort to create space and time together MEANINGULLY is a commitment and takes much dedication to follow-through. Yet he has the faith that the intangible rewards will form the roots to greater things in our future. At least right now, dad who is by nature 'lazy and a slacker' knows that if he has to 'spend' time with us, he better do it creatively so that both he and us can have fun... together ! :)
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